T: (852) 2669 2966
M: (852) 9440 1632
Hong Kong is one of the leading international financial centers with a robust legal system and a highly competitive tax regime. With zero restrictions on capital flows, foreign exchange and scope of business, Hong Kong can easily propel business into the international market.
General Requirements
There shall be at least one shareholder and director over 18 years old
One legal secretary( The company secretary, who is a natural person, should ordinarily reside in Hong Kong. For company secretary which is a body corporate, its registered office or place of business should be in Hong Kong.)
There shall be one registered address in Hong Kong
Required Information
Chinese and English names, or single Chinese or English name of the company;
Copies of ID cards or passports or passport and residential addresses of all SHAREHOLDERS & DIRECTORS; if shareholder or director is another corporation, please provide Certificate of Incorporation and Registered Office;
Copies of HKID card and residential addresses of COMPANY SECRETARY ;
Registered address of the company;
Normal share capital of the company is HK$10,000
Registration Form and Time to Take
E-filing incorporation (requires 1 day)
Registration of a new limited liability business with company register (requires 5-8 days)
Purchasing a Shelf Company (requires 2-3 days)